Have you heard of responsible investing (RI)? Maybe you’ve heard of socially responsible investing, or sustainable, impact, or ethical investing. They’re all the same great idea: a type of investing that aligns your values with your money to give back.

Sarah Bujacz
Recent posts by Sarah Bujacz
3 min read
Responsible investing: Giving back and getting more
By Sarah Bujacz on Apr 1, 2024 12:00:00 AM
Topics: Investing Advice Truly Local Articles Social Responsibility
2 min read
The 5 Best Ways to Raise Your Credit Score
By Sarah Bujacz on Jul 28, 2022 8:45:00 AM
As life continues to return to “normal”, whatever this new normal looks like, we are seeing an increase in people asking about improving their credit score. Your credit score may have been impacted throughout the pandemic for a variety of reasons, but let’s focus on moving forward and improving it.
Topics: Financial Literacy Personal Credit Financial Advice Truly Local Articles
4 min read
I’m a millennial who grew up in Niagara. Will I ever be able to buy a home here?
By Sarah Bujacz on May 31, 2022 3:31:54 PM
The Reality
It seems that every day we read how expensive housing is becoming in Niagara and beyond.
If you’re not hearing about it as you scroll through Instagram or TikTok, you might hear from your parents or relatives about how much their home is now worth, and how you should buy a house before it’s “too late”.
Because we all have $100,000 sitting in a savings account ready for a down payment, right?