3 min read

RSP, TFSA, FHSA – Which Account Should I Use?

By Andrea Bove on May 20, 2024 12:35:14 PM

One of the first questions that potential investors often ask is which account should I useRegistered Retirement Savings Plans (RSP), Tax Free Savings Account (TFSA), or First Home Savings Account (FHSA)? All of these accounts offer benefits to investors and understanding the differences between them is the first step in making a choice.

Topics: Financial Literacy TFSA RRSP Financial Advice Investing Advice FHSA
3 min read

Investing 101: Explaining the magic

By Trevor Lagerwerf on Apr 1, 2024 12:00:00 AM

Investing: [verb] confusing process involving magic and midwifery, in which your money is swept away today with the hopes of producing more money in the future. See related terms: dreams, confusion, fees, retirement, and future.

Topics: TFSA RRSP Investing Advice Financial Planning
3 min read


By Trevor Lagerwerf on Apr 1, 2024 12:00:00 AM

From our previous blogs What is a TFSA, really? and What is an RRSP? you can learn both offer tax advantages to help you reach your savings goals.

Topics: Saving for the Future Retirement Planning TFSA RRSP
4 min read

What is a Tax-Free Savings Account, really?

By Trevor Lagerwerf on Apr 1, 2024 12:00:00 AM

A Tax-Free Savings Account, or TFSA for short, is a registered account that was launched by the Federal Government in 2009 with the goal of helping you grow your savings without paying taxes on the interest or investment income you earn. Although they’re tax-free, the government keeps track of your contributions and the earnings you accrue on your investment. It’s a bit of a deceiving name choice as there are many different investments you can hold inside a TFSA, aside from a savings account. You may hold as many TFSA contracts (or accounts) as you want, as long as you do not exceed the cumulative contribution limit. Let me break it down:

Topics: Saving for the Future TFSA Investing Advice