Our truly local representatives are here to serve you:
Our truly local representatives are here to serve you:
2-Step Verification (2SV) provides an additional layer of security to help protect your online accounts from unauthorized access. Setting it up takes just a few simple steps.
Learn more →We take your privacy and protection very seriously as we know it is the foundation of our relationship with you. We want to assure you that we have industry standard protections in place for online banking but we all have a role to play in the security of our online activities.
Here are some steps we recommend to protect yourself and your personal information online:
You can also download a PDF of our Digital Banking Tips with some simple steps you can take to improve your online banking security.
Scammers and fraudsters take many different approaches to try to trick Canadians out of their hard earned money or personal information.
If something doesn’t seem right, stop and ask yourself if it makes sense. Don’t be rushed into providing any personal information and instead take the time to seek input from a family member or the relevant authorities.
There are some great resources available which list the latest scams and provide tips on ensuring your security. Here are just a few:
It’s important to remain vigilant to keep your personal and financial information safe and secure. We’ve compiled a handy guide containing various fraudulent and scam tactics to help you stay aware.
Download the Common Scams Tip Sheet →Please exercise caution and DO NOT click on any links you receive in a text message or email from us that does not contain to your 6-digit 2-Step Verification code. We want to assure you that during the 2SV process, we will never ask you to click on any links to log in. If you happen to receive any suspicious messages or links, please don’t hesitate to let us know by giving us a call at 1-866-866-6641 or by filling out our contact form. Your security is our utmost priority.
A strong password is one that is hard to guess, but easy for you to remember. Here are some guidelines for choosing a strong password (PAC):
Did you know that you can set up Alerts in Online Banking to be notified of new login attempts, password changes, the addition of new bill payees, new messages and more? This is a great way to be immediately notified of any unexpected account activities.
Did you know that setting up Autodeposit is safer than using a security question and password if you receive INTERAC e-Transfers? Not only does this save extra steps required to deposit a transfer, but it also prevents the notification email and/or password from being intercepted.
Read through the How-to guides for digital banking tips.
Do you need your Online Banking reset? Are you locked out? Call our Contact Centre at 905-685-7737 or toll-free at 1-866-866-6641 if you have any questions.