
PenFinancial is committed to serving our members in a fair and transparent manner. The following policies outline what you can expect from us as a trusted financial provider.

Privacy and Security

Privacy and Security

We are committed to protecting your privacy and your right to control the collection, use, retention and disclosure of your personal information.

View our Privacy and Security Policy →



PenFinancial is committed to eliminating barriers and improving accessibility for persons with disabilities in a manner that respects dignity, independence, integration and equal opportunity.

View our Accessible Customer Service Statement →



The Direct Services Agreement outlines terms and conditions relating to our digital banking suite.

View our Legal Statements →

Email Collection and Use

Email and Collection Use

From time to time, PenFinancial Credit Union sends emails to our Members, and those who have registered for our mailing lists. These emails are a communication and information tool that could include products and promotional rates, as well as updates about the goings-on of our credit union.

View our Email Collection and Use Statement →

Member Terms and Conditions

Member Account Terms and Conditions

This agreement outlines the terms and conditions governing the Depositor’s use of the Account.

Download our Member Account Terms and Conditions →

Mobile Wallet Terms and Conditions

Mobile Wallet Terms and Conditions

These Terms of Use govern your use of any eligible Credit Union debit card when you add or keep your Card in a mobile wallet for use on any eligible device that supports the use of the Wallet.

View Mobile Wallet Terms and Conditions →

Market Code of Conduct

Market Code of Conduct

This Code outlines our commitment to the fair treatment of everyone who uses our services.

View our Market Code of Conduct →